A Keithville woman and her boyfriend are facing charges of rape for the sexual assault of a juvenile on at least two occasions, said Caddo Parish Sheriff Steve Prator.

Ashley Romans, 26, was arrested in Friday and booked on a charge of first-degree rape. Her bond has been set at $100,000.

Drew Farnell: CPSO
Drew Farnell: CPSO

The U.S. Marshal’s Task Force on Saturday arrested Jacob Drew Farnell, 29, also of Keithville in Monroe. He faces a charge of first-degree rape and sexual battery. Farnell was being brought back to Shreveport Monday.

Getting these types of criminals off the streets is incredibly important to Caddo Sheriffs and all police. Getting them behind bars before they are able to hurt another child can make a major difference.

If you know of anyone who is being victimized sexually, contact your local law enforcement to have the problem taken care of before more harm can be done. You may be saving the next family a lot of grief and mental anguish, by reporting these activities as soon as possible.

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