Wisconsin Teens Built Their Own Backyard Roller Coaster!
These Wisconsin teens are pretty much geniuses and we wish we would have come up with this first. They built a roller coaster in the backyard with help from their dad, who used to be a physics professor.
At first, you think it would be a rickety and dangerous endeavor, but it was safe enough for an anchor from Milwaukee's Today's TMJ4 to ride for a news package!
These boys said that despite the skill and the smarts that went into building a coaster, it’s not enough for them to automatically pass math and science classes. But it's safe to assume it'll be impressive on college applications!
Like Free Beer said, if these kids are busy building a roller coaster, they aren't out on the streets being heathens! The moral of the story here is: stay in school, don't do drugs and just build roller coasters. We can get behind that.
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