New Gwar Documentary “Let There Be Gwar” On The Way [VIDEO]
With the loss of frontman Dave Brockie earlier this year, many thought we'd seen the last of Gwar. In fact, the band had planned on not touring next year as a result of the tragic death of Oderus Urungus (Brockie) - but with former bassist Michael Bishop stepping into the slot vacated by Brockie, apparently plans have changed.
With the addition of Blothar (Bishop), the band is honoring all previous commitments, with additions to their itinerary not out of the question...
In the meantime, the band is preparing to release "Let There Be Gwar", a film that documents the band from their earliest days until the death of mainman Dave Brockie in March.
Check out the trailer from "Let There Be Gwar" here: