Update on the Health of Ric Flair, Fiancee Says She Witnessed a Miracle
Two weeks ago, it seemed like we were preparing for the worst in regards to wrestling legend Ric Flair. It felt like life was going to finally keep the Nature Boy on the mat for the three count. But, in true Flair fashion, he's making an epic comeback.
'The Dirtiest Player in the Game' underwent emergency surgery and was put into a medically induced coma due to multiple organ problems. However, it appears that Flair's grave health situation is improving rapidly.
Last week, it was reported that Flair came out of his coma and was joking with nurses but that his situation was still pretty dire. This week, we get some fantastic news from the Nature Boy's fiancee Wendy Barlow. Barlow says that she 'witnessed a miracle' in regards to Flair's recovery. Her full statement on Flair's recovery is below.
It's crazy to think that Ric himself kind of summed this whole ordeal best 20+ years ago when he said, 'Diamonds are forever. And so is Ric Flair!'